
Jump The Hedges is a slow design studio based in the North of Ireland. 

Eileen Fisher ReNew Factory Visit

Eileen Fisher ReNew Factory Visit

I visited the Eileen Fisher Renew factory in Irvington and it was an education in reusing and recycling garments. I’m sure many of you have seen and taken advantage of take back programs in stores such as H&M where you get £5 off your next purchase for donating an item? Well have you ever wondered where your garments actually go? Unfortunately a lot of unwanted items go straight to landfill due to fabric make up & how worn they are. The Eileen Fisher model is totally unique and is trailblazing the way for garment repurposing. Every garment that is ‘taken back’ gets sent to the ‘Tiny Factory’ in Lexington. At the factory it has 3 directions it can go. After intensive sorting the garments are; either repaired and resold under the Renew concept, taken apart to reuse elements for the Resewn collection or else sent to be shredded for either making new material or repurposed. The Resewn line is made up of these garments that can’t be resold. I had a fantastic tour with Carmen Gama who is leading the design team at Resewn and responsible for creating collections that sit seamlessly alongside the ready wear line. Proving that to renew something is better than to buy new.


Truly made in San Francisco

Truly made in San Francisco

